In today’s technology, a front docking arm is indispensable. That is why Veenhuis has a front docking arm in its delivery programme. A well thought-out design makes it possible to connect it to any tractor. Because ground clearance is important and the emergency exit from the tractor must remain clear, Veenhuis has chosen to run the suction hose over the tractor cab. This has the advantage of creating minimal flow resistance and therefore fast filling. The biggest advantage of the front-docking arm is that it can be docked directly to the transport vehicle from any spray tracks. This reduces plant damage to a minimum. Because the fertiliser, in combination with this system, can remain folded up in the field, you create maximum efficiency.
The front-dock arm is equipped with its own control system. It can be easily connected to the LS-system of the tractor. This also makes it possible to connect this front linkage arm to tanks of other makes.