Raalte, 17 January 2018
Nutri-flow is an important system in precision agriculture and already determines the nutritional values of organic manure before use. In this way, Nutri-Flow avoids as much leaching of nutrients as possible and any corrective measures afterwards, resulting in better utilization and results measurable. Veenhuis Machines is therefore very proud that this sustainable innovation has been nominated for the Rabobank Sustainable Innovation Award 2018 in the Food & Agri category and sees this as an appreciation from the Agribusiness for the development of sustainable manure techniques.
Veenhuis Machines has developed Nutri-Flow and starts with the valuation of organic manure based on nutrient analysis. The NIRS analysis technique determines the following nutrients: nitrogen, phosphate, potassium, ammonium and dry matter% (N, P, K, NH4-N ammonium, DS%). Analysis can be done at the source, even before transport, but also in real time during the low-emission use of organic manure. Because the analysis can already take place before transport, there is no need to wait for results of laboratory analyzes before the manure can be used. Nutri-Flow enables agriculture to site-specific organic fertilizer application to the fertilization needs, read nutrient requirements, both soil and plant. By fertilizing more precisely, less fertilizer is needed. This also contributes to an optimal recovery of soil health and the reduction of nitrate leaching
What does Nutri-Flow do?
Real-time analysis of organic manure on the contents of nitrogen, phosphate, potassium, ammonium and dry matter% allows site-specific and low-emission application on the basis of Kg nutrients per hectare instead of m3. By using the innovative front tank and GPS, site-specific liquid fertilizer can be mixed if the contents in the organic fertilizer are too low, thereby preventing site-specific under fertilization. Automatic section control and section closing prevents overlap of injecting.
This leads to high-quality fertilization management: the farmer can make a more sustainable fertilization plan through more insight into nutrient requirements. Nutri-Flow is thus an ideal tool for the management instrument “KringloopWijzer”.